About Suzanne
Suzanne S. Eaton is an author and marketing specialist who has given style and brand to many companies. She established Harmony Press and authored herbal and healthy lifestyle booklets. She prepared hundreds of other projects for the presses and did midnight press checks, back when printing presses were rolling night and day. Many years later, she established Airlift Publishing, and has helped many authors bring their books to fruition.
A proponent for women finding success, diversity, sisterhood, and recovery, Suzanne writes on life, love, relationships, and the human family. She is a contest winner from the Midwest whose stories and poems appear in online publications, magazines, and over 30 international anthologies. She has 14 published books with two more being completed this year. She bares her soul in describing her life challenges which include abuse, addiction, losing a child, divorce, and a “fall from grace.” Her writings are informed by her diverse experiences and offer spiritual wisdom. Suzanne is driven to promote recovery, faith, resilience and joy.